Rabu, 23 November 2011

Birds have a respiratory channel terdir top nostril, trakea, bronkus and tuberculosis-apru. At the bottom of the trakea there is a sound tool called siring. Birds have a tool called bantu respiratory sac air with lungs. Function of the air sac, among others, to assist respiratory and help raise siring cavity so that it can strengthen the voice. Respiratory process occurs in birds as follows. If berkontaksi rib muscles, rib to move forward and to the sternum to move down. Thoracic cavity and a large tekanannya decreased. This causes the air into the lungs and then into the air sac. In the rib muscles become weak, broken bones to move back to the breastbone and moving toward the top. Thoracic cavity and wane tekanannya become large, causing the air out of the lungs. Similarly from the air sac air out through the paru-apru. Of oxygen by the lungs occurred at the time of inspiration and ekspirasi. Exchange of gas occurs only in the lungs.

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